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Covid-19 crisis has been a life-changing phenomenon both good and bad for the industry. While it has severely hit the economic environment, technology somehow adopted and modified itself at a rapid pace. Although almost all businesses had a certain kind of digital strategy aligned due to the hit by the pandemic, some companies faced the brunt.  

The perception of Intelligent Enterprise, owing to the combination of the right kind of mindset, newer technologies, and digital core at its center of operation, and is capable of adjusting to changing environments or even to change into a new business model is the new model every business strives to be. In case you are ambitious in your business and strive to acquire the intelligent transformation, focus on the power of Managed Services.  

Balancing the operations and transforming the complete IT Landscape:  

Recent studies have shown that decision-makers and IT Teams are getting held down by repetitive tasks, those that keep work flowing but no progress is observed. The resources get fully occupied with the everyday routine, bringing down the capacity to move further.  

By maintaining and managing the current IT edifice plus internal applications, preparing the records, applications or other similar kinds of daily operations and simple activities become a major chunk of our daily activity and consume most of our time.  

We must remember that it is mandatory to keep up with all the mentioned and yet focus on what should be done next for the market and the entire company. Managed Services has the potential to play a significant role to accelerate and support this journey and actually transform into Intelligent Enterprise. The following functionality benefits can be expected from Managed Services:  

  1. Make assurance of operations and gather back freedom 

In order to get innovation and transformation, one needs freedom. There should be freedom to think, create, and bring new changes. But, the challenge today is to keep up with the requirements of the changing business when newer solutions and technologies are looming faster than before when you have tons of workloads with employee scarcity and dearth of talents.  

If you run your daily IT-operations as Managed IT Services using scalable, agile, and flexible support model using the best processes that come with predictable service level agreements as well as proactive services that can both optimize and stabilize your business operations, you can gain back all the freedom that is needed. If you blend in the local as well as global experts, your questions regarding SAP would be looked after immediately as we serve 24/7. Upgrades along with release changes, the current development, betterment and SAP application testing along with total technical management of the complete system infrastructure is no longer a challenge.  

Most of the big companies and many more show their complete reliance on Managed Services to so that they can appoint the scanty company resources to drive the initiatives of digital transformation and also remaining assured that their every day operations are all safe and secured.  

  1. Turn your insights into actions 

If you are not in a position to measure something, you cannot improve it. If you have a clearly established metric, you can rather easily quantify your progress plus adjust your process based on it so that desired results can be produced. If you don’t have a clear objective, you will remain in a constant condition of guessing.  

Hence, having a well defined end-to-end application and system monitoring with the right kind of KPIs and metrics in proper place is required. This will not just create complete visibility of the complete health of your system landscape, but will also work as single point of truth to correlate and collect alerts from several applications and systems in your landscapes in one place at the centre. Hence building solid base to find the gaps, bottle necks, and errors in the early part of the process to derive the correct measures before they turn critical for your business is essential.  

With the help of analytical based inputs along with proactive process of problem management, Managed Services is not merely ensuring seamless business processes but also improved productivity.  

  1. Cloud Solution Adoption 

During globalization plus digitization, businesses need to have the ability to react with flexibility and quickly to the changing requirements. In this regard, we are seeing industry wide shift in the cloud, where companies are found adopting more of cloud solutions within their IT strategies. Plus there is hardly any debate about the huge opportunities of cost savings when you shift to cloud. If you change your financial models from the CapEx that goes with upfront investments to operational expenses (OpEx) that is pay-as-you-go or to the subscription model, it will allow your organizations to unlock money that was earlier frozen into the CapEx purchases on other business requirements.  

Moreover, the impact it brings on balance sheet with cloud applications make it also feasible to quickly and rather easily evaluate new technologies and therefore speed up daily processes. Agile also DevOps methodologies are finding newer methods through which operations and development teams can design and deliver applications. New practices for instance design thinking are inspiring speed and time to value about complex, lengthy project cycles.  

However, many questions require to be answered, before we make a shift:  

  • What kind of solutions will benefit from the present system to cloud?  
  • What kind of workloads need to be shifted to cloud? 
  • Can the old solutions be subsidized by the features that are essentially cloud native? 
  • How the multicloud and hybrid approach impacts our day-to-day operations? How is it possible for me to measure the cloud utilization to make sure there is less overspending and maximum usage? 

On the basis of your needs, the business would review the infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) and also options with Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) to guide you towards your cloud strategy, migrate your data, also manage your hybrid cloud with the help of full spectrum of the enterprise Managed Services in cloud.  

Managed Services as one strategic advisor to the Intelligent Enterprise 

Managed Services is not just a support, it helps in the transformation path also in increasing operational efficiency, keeping cost at control, and freeing up the internal resources. Managed Services can serve you as your strategic advisor that supports the present fast-paced, highly competitive business environment so that you constantly innovate, integrate and evolve a diverse system landscape and achieve better business results.  

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